HFST - Helsinki Finite-State Transducer Technology - Python API
version 3.12.2
▼Nhfst | HFST API for Python |
▼Nexceptions | Exceptions.. |
CContextTransducersAreNotAutomataException | Transducers given as rule context are not automata |
CEmptySetOfContextsException | The set of transducer pairs is empty |
CEmptyStringException | An argument string is an empty string |
CEndOfStreamException | The stream is at end |
CFlagDiacriticsAreNotIdentitiesException | Flag diacritics encountered on one but not the other side of a transition |
CFunctionNotImplementedException | Function has not been implemented (yet) |
CHfstException | Base class for HfstExceptions |
CHfstFatalException | An error happened probably due to a bug in the HFST code |
CHfstTransducerTypeMismatchException | Two or more HfstTransducers are not of the same type |
CImplementationTypeNotAvailableException | The library required by the implementation type requested is not linked to HFST |
CIncorrectUtf8CodingException | String is not valid utf-8 |
CMetadataException | A piece of metadata in an HFST header is not supported |
CMissingOpenFstInputSymbolTableException | An OpenFst transducer does not have an input symbol table |
CNotTransducerStreamException | The stream does not contain transducers |
CNotValidAttFormatException | The stream is not in valid AT&T format |
CNotValidLexcFormatException | The input is not in valid LexC format |
CNotValidPrologFormatException | The input is not in valid prolog format |
CSpecifiedTypeRequiredException | The type of a transducer is not specified |
CStateIndexOutOfBoundsException | The state number argument is not valid |
CStateIsNotFinalException | State is not final (and cannot have a final weight) |
CStreamCannotBeWrittenException | Stream cannot be written |
CStreamIsClosedException | Stream is closed |
CStreamNotReadableException | Stream cannot be read |
CSymbolNotFoundException | A bug in the HFST code |
CTransducerHasWrongTypeException | Transducer has wrong type |
CTransducerHeaderException | Transducer has a malformed HFST header |
CTransducerIsCyclicException | Transducer is cyclic |
CTransducersAreNotAutomataException | Transducers are not automata |
CTransducerTypeMismatchException | Two or more transducers do not have the same type |
▼Nxerox_rules | Xerox-type replace rules |
CReplaceType | Type of Xerox-type replace rules |
CRule | A rule that contains mapping and context and replace type (if any) |
CAttReader | A class for reading input in AT&T text format and converting it into transducer(s) |
CHfstBasicTransducer | A simple transducer class with tropical weights |
CHfstBasicTransition | A transition class that consists of a target state, input and output symbols and a a tropical weight |
CHfstInputStream | A stream for reading HFST binary transducers |
CHfstOutputStream | A stream for writing binary transducers |
CHfstTokenizer | A tokenizer for creating transducers from UTF-8 strings |
CHfstTransducer | A synchronous finite-state transducer |
CImplementationType | Back-end implementations |
CMultiCharSymbolTrie | TODO: documentation ??? |
CPmatchContainer | A class for performing pattern matching |
CPrologReader | A class for reading input in prolog text format and converting it into transducer(s) |
CXreCompiler | A regular expression compiler |