HFST - Helsinki Finite-State Transducer Technology - C++ API
version 3.9.1
▼ libhfst | |
▼ src | A directory for the HFST interface |
▼ implementations | A directory for the different backend implementations |
▼ optimized-lookup | A directory for optimized lookup transducer implementations |
convert.h | |
pmatch.h | |
transducer.h | |
ConvertTransducerFormat.h | Declarations of functions for converting between transducer backend formats |
FomaTransducer.h | Declarations of functions and datatypes that form a bridge between HFST API and foma |
HfstOlTransducer.h | Declaration of classes for HFST's optimized lookup transducer format |
HfstTransition.h | Class HfstTransition |
HfstTransitionGraph.h | Class HfstTransitionGraph |
HfstTropicalTransducerTransitionData.h | |
LogWeightTransducer.h | Declarations of functions and datatypes that form a bridge between HFST API and OpenFst's transducers with logarithmic weights |
MyTransducerLibraryTransducer.h | Declarations of functions and datatypes that form a bridge between the HFST API and your transducer library |
SfstTransducer.h | Declarations of functions and datatypes that form a bridge between HFST API and SFST |
TropicalWeightTransducer.h | Declarations of functions and datatypes that form a bridge between HFST API and OpenFst's transducers with tropical weights |
XfsmTransducer.h | Declarations of functions and datatypes that form a bridge between HFST API and xfsm |
FormatSpecifiers.h | |
HarmonizeUnknownAndIdentitySymbols.h | |
hfst-string-conversions.h | |
hfst.h | |
HfstDataTypes.h | Datatypes that are needed when using the HFST API |
hfstdll.h | |
HfstEpsilonHandler.h | |
HfstExceptionDefs.h | A file for exceptions |
HfstExtractStrings.h | |
HfstFlagDiacritics.h | Class declarations for flag diacritic handling |
HfstInputStream.h | Declaration of class HfstInputStream |
HfstLookupFlagDiacritics.h | |
HfstOutputStream.h | Declaration of class HfstOutputStream |
HfstPrintDot.h | |
HfstPrintPCKimmo.h | |
HfstStrings2FstTokenizer.h | |
HfstSymbolDefs.h | Typedefs and functions for symbols, symbol pairs and sets of symbols |
HfstTokenizer.h | Declaration of class hfst::HfstTokenizer |
HfstTransducer.h | Declarations of HFST API functions and datatypes |
HfstXeroxRules.h | Declarations of HFST-XFST replace functions and data types |